Flea Prevention and Treatment in Iowa

Flea Prevention and Treatment in Iowa

Flea Prevention and Treatment in Iowa 650 361 Nice & Precise Lawn Care Services

Flea Prevention and Treatment in Iowa

Spring is the beginning of warmer days, longer nights, flowers blooming, and neighborhood parties. However, you might not be thinking about the other season that sneaks up as the temperatures rise. Nice & Precise season! Also known as Flea Prevention and Treatment in Iowa.

Why We Hate Fleas

Most people know the common problems of fleas for cats, dogs, and sometimes even humans. The bites itch and their saliva can be an allergen causing rashes, and they can cause skin problems when your cat or dog scratches non stop. What most people don’t know is that fleas actually carry many diseases just like mosquitoes and ticks. Fleas find “hosts” otherwise known as warm-blooded animals. Most of the time they usually affect dogs and cats, but they can also be opossums, rats, and any other rodents. According to the ASPCA, since fleas can consume 15 times their own body weight in blood, they can cause anemia and a significant amount of blood loss over time. They can even cause tapeworm! The flea was actually the cause of the bubonic plague in the middle ages! It is still the carrier of the plague today, but thank goodness for antibiotics. Call Nice & Precise, your local lawn care service and set up a pest control plan today. Prices start around $50 and your satisfaction is guaranteed.